woensdag 24 maart 2010

Chanel Jacket

Love these jackets. I my first message at my blog, you could see me wearing a look-a-like!

We all love Jimi,

maandag 22 maart 2010

Sees the sun coming up easy...

I really want these sunglasses!

zondag 21 maart 2010

I want a tatoo to...

I want a tatoo, but I don't know what. I've found some tatoo's that I like,...
What do you think?

zaterdag 20 maart 2010

Jean Patoe: seen in London

This dress is absoluteley beautifull! I´ve made this picture at; Victoria and Albert museum.

Do It Yourself : Studded bag

I´ve found this ordinary(boring)black bag:

Then you need studs:

And a hammer to hit them in your bag.


I´m not sure if I have to put more studs on it, so please let me know what you think!

Best piece in my closet

Monthly I´m going to decide wich garment is the best piece in my closet.
The winner of this month is,.........................

I bought this jackets at a vintage markt at Bricklane (London).

In love with my wall

I just want to show you how loveley my wall is. I really liked it (still do) and it was very cheap as well!

Loveley London

I went to London last vacation. You've got lots of beautifull buildings, and one of them is the Natural Historic Museum. I took these pictures with my digital camera, so the pictures aren't that great.

Be stupid campaign

I love these advertisements!

donderdag 18 maart 2010

Love this suitcase!

These suitcases are amazing! I would love to have one!
They're made by Williams-Handmade.

woensdag 17 maart 2010

Love is in the air!

O my, how cute are these shoes?

Some things suits you,

I love these suitcases. You can use them for several things. I like to put them in my room, like decoration.

Ofcourse you can use them for holiday's and such like that

dinsdag 16 maart 2010

Fashion Designer @ School

Today started boring, But ended up good!
(in Dutch)

Micheal Barnaart van Bergen kwam vandaag lang bij ons op school! Ergens ging er bij het horen van zijn naam een belletje bij me rinkelen, maar dat hij eigenlijk al zo bekend was, dat wist ik niet. Het is een jonge mode ontwerper met onwijs goede ideeën. Hij haalt zijn inspiratie uit dingen die gebeuren in de maatschappij. Hij heeft al enkele shows mogen geven, zo was is Amsterdam Fashion Week daar een onderdeel van. Ook heeft hij al voor de Schoenen keten Sacha mogen ontwerpen:

Nog enkele stukken uit modeshows:

Ook hij heeft (vind ik) hele mooie tassen gemaakt/ontworpen:

Het was een onwijs leuke man! Erg leuk om naar te luisteren, en leuk om dit een keer mee te maken!


maandag 15 maart 2010

(wo)men shoes.

What I really want is one (or two, or three or?) of these. I would say these are male shoes. But they're so cute! I think they called Jazz shoes. LOVE IT!